Sanding & Machining
We can also sand and machine your timber to order.
We have a wide belt sander capable of sanding up to 1100mm wide. In addition we can hand sand for that final super smooth finish.
We can machine or sand your timber regardless of whether it was purchased from us or not.
We can machine slabs up to 4.8m long and 1.8m wide.
We can resaw boards up to 300mm wide. Contact with metal in the board cost $220 per hit.
Normal size boards can be square dressed as required. Our thicknesser and planer can machine up to 410mm wide.
THE FINE TIMBER COMPANY’S primary mill is a horizontal bandsaw capable of milling logs up to 900mm diameter and 6m long. This mill is computer controlled and has log rollers and other devices to allow us to position the log to get the exact cut that we want. Being a bandsaw, there is very little waste of the log. It also allows us to make wide cuts.
In addition we have a larger bandsaw capable oF milling logs up to 1400mm diameter and 11m long. This mill is primarily used for slabbing larger logs.
We are familiar with most milling techniques including quarter sawing. We do not just “slab” logs unless that is what is required.
Milling is conducted at our premises on Charley Creek Road just out of Donnybrook.
Any metal objects hit whilst milling will incur a fee of between $220 and $880 depending on which mill is being used.
Note: There is a minimum charge of $220